The Magic Bed of Tucuman
Here is a copy of my children's story .
The Magic Bed of Tucumán
By Alexandra Newton Rios
My name is Gabriel.
I have a magic bed.
All I have to do is spin my globe of the world
before I go to sleep.
Where my finger lands
when it stops
is where I will go.
The wood of my magic bed
is quebracho.
It comes from Amaicha
high up in the mountains
above Tucumán.
The Diaguitas lived there.
They are different than the Incas
or the Spanish.
The Quebracho is a sacred tree.
It is the only tree of my family’s village.
It grew a very long time before
my great grandfather
who was a holy man
broke off four of its most majestic branches
and saved them for ten years.
He carved the wood into my bed.
The bed belonged to my grandfather.
Then to my father.
Now it is mine.
It is why we have vision.
I lie on my bed.
Close my eyes.
I always visit the ocean first.
I smell the flowers of Provence
and then I am in Switzerland.
I am climbing, climbing, climbing
the mountain to Montana Crans.
I speak French.
J’aime le matin.
I love the morning.
The mountain is hard to climb.
My magic bed gives me strength.
I want a friend to travel with me.
Will you come?
My bed will make your bed
a magic bed.
Close your eyes.
Take my hand.
We go to the ocean first.
Smell the salt.
The vastness without a horizon.
The sand.
The seagulls.
Then climb the mountain with me.
Here is an ice pick for you.
Tie yourself to me.
We won’t fall.
I won’t let you.
We are at Mont Blanc.
We are one.
Snow is everywhere.
C’est tres beau.
It is very beautiful.
There is a blue feather on the snow.
I will take it back.
The snow is so soft,
white, everywhere
like my happiness
that I have a new friend.
Good night.
I hear three knocks
against my large wooden door.
Siesta time is over.
Go back and play outside.
Kick a ball.
Ride your bicycle.
Play cards.
You don’t have to prepare
for your next trip.
You are back again.
I hope you are not too tired.
My magic bed will rest you.
I spin the globe of the world.
My finger lands on Tibet.
Ta shee day lay
Hello to the tallest mountains
in the world.
We climb to a hanging monastery.
The corridors are long.
They hug the mountain.
There is stone everywhere.
I will be a holy man someday.
I want to help others.
Today we climb the mountain
with horses.
I call my horse Fierce Winged Feet
because she runs like the wind.
You can ride with me.
This river is so clear.
Fierce Winged Feet drinks deeply.
I, too, drink from its waters
for it is sacred.
We arrive at the mountains
of illumination.
These mountains we must not climb.
They are the sacred mountains
of the Bonpo, Buddhist and Hindu.
I meet a Bonpo shaman.
He belongs to the original people
of Tibet
before the Buddhists and Hindu.
He gives me a small diamond
that was passed down to him
from his great grandfather.
He tells me to save it
for my sister
when I return home.
She must save it and give it
to her first great grandchild.
We circle the holy mountains
with the other pilgrims.
The pilgrims usually take
four days.
My magic bed will help us
return by morning.
T’oo-Je-Che Thank you
mountains for growing tall with beauty.
Oh precious jewels of the snow,
T’oo-Je-Che Thank you
for watching over Winged Feet,
my friend
and me.
No feet can touch
the summits of the sacred mountains
unless they are pure.
My magic bed will cleanse us.
I hear a knock on the door.
It is long and insistent.
We must return.
Good night.
I have rested.
How wonderful to sleep deeply.
Today I spin the globe of the world.
My finger lands on Machu Picchu.
Home of the Incas.
But first we touch the Pacific.
Breathe its blue calm.
Dip our feet in Lake Titicaca.
I dreamt of these mountains
before I ever came here.
Now we shall climb to the top
slowly, steadily.
My magic bed lets our feet
leap with the alpaca.
First the mist turns pink
before the sun arrives
like a red bird
over the top of Machu Picchu.
Oh Old Mountain
Paschi thank you,
for your beauty.
For the Incas the sun is God
who loves the moon.
He gives a new day as a gift
to us and to his love the moon.
What will you do with the gift?
I take a round soft stone
that is shaped like an arrow
from the path.
Where will it lead us?
I will put it under my magic bed.
Let us harness our strength
like the water harnessed
by the Incas into a passageway
down the mountain.
We run next to it
all the way down!
If we are pure in our mind
Machu Picchu will show us everything.
The mountain looks like a face.
We smile back.
We are home.
The sun is setting on the trail.
We must get back.
Good night.
I spin my finger on the globe of the world
and feel light rain
dancing a mist around the summit
of Mt. Rainier.
We watch a bald eagle
and the northern spotted owl
spread their wings for us.
In the northern Pacific the choppy waters
are cold to my feet.
We are southeast of Seattle, Washington.
The rain turns into a light coat
made of rainbows.
We put our rainbow coats on.
We are warm again.
The rain turns into snow.
Let’s run in the snow fields
of Mt. Rainier.
Everyone calls her The Mountain.
The Puyallup used to call her Tacoma
Mother of Waters.
We swim in the Nisqually River.
Snow covers the volcano.
Look, a piece of lava stone!
It looks like a little boat.
We float it on our river.
You take it home with you.
You are my best friend.
The Mountain waits.
It knows everything like a mother.
Our mothers wait for us.
We must return with the magic bed.
Good night.
I spin the globe.
Elidir Fawr in Snowdonia, North Wales
waits for us tonight.
Dia Duit. Good Morning.
But first we must breathe the air,
feel the cool water of Lake Marchlyn Mawr.
Go raibh maith agait.
Thank you waters.
We arrive to the Black Mountains.
of Wales.
Let us travel inside the slate tunnels
of Elidir Fawr.
I will take this tunnel.
You take the other.
I will meet you at the top.
Don’t be afraid.
My magic bed will give you power
to go through darkness
to the light.
We must travel alone
to reach the top,
to reach the light.
When I spin the globe tonight
my finger finds Mount Sinai.
We must first salute the birds
of the Red Sea.
In Mount Sinai
the angels of the world
are fighting.
There is a special light
that the people carry inside them.
We want to help them.
Let us lend the angels what we have kept safe
in our magic bed.
Here is the feather,
the diamond,
the arrow stone.
Do you have your lava rock?
They become four swords.
They will restore peace in the world
without blood.
Sleep well tonight.
The End.